Dear editor,
Quite a flurry of letters on Tom Fletcher’s columns.
He asks a lot of questions. I’m also wondering about the science on salmon. I remember Ranting Rafe on CKNW, instrumental in a killing the Kemano Completion project – then the salmon disappeared, anyway – along with many long-term, good jobs in Northwestern B.C. communities.
Thanks Rafe.
Not too sure about site C , but almost everything in modern life requires electricity.
Apparently BC has no growth in energy requirements because we got rid of many pulp and paper mills, sawmills and now export logs, which take no electricity. Nice.
So Tom asks a few questions on climate change, which is real. BC Hydro has not yet figured this out and keep draining Comox Lake when droughts are predicted.
Then we are on stage 3 (water restrictions), which is about as effective as the carbon tax on global warming. So the carbon tax is going to change the ongoing domestic water crisis in Comox Lake? Maybe BC Hydro should not be managing site C ,when they can’t manage Comox Lake. Meanwhile, it’s good that Tom is asking some questions.
Thankfully, he is not Ranting Rafe.
Phil Harrison