Dear editor,
To the Comox Valley Taxpayer Alliance, regarding your opposition to the Alternate Approval Process for Bylaw 850 and 851 to increase taxes to address emergency shelter and homelessness supports, your recent letter dropped at CVRD residents' homes has much misinformation and little respect for the electorate.
The proposed tax increase amounts to approximately $50 per $500,000 assessed valuation, about 13.8 cents per day, to address issues widely talked about and desired by a majority of likely CVRD voters.
More than 75 per cent of homeless individuals in the Comox Valley have a connection to the Valley, and were NOT bused here, contrary to wildly misleading reports. It will take ALL levels of government to continue to address this issue and is not solely the role of Federal and Provincial governments, but local and regional governments as well.
Please have your information straight when you take the trouble to drop unsolicited and manipulative information at my home.
Christy Faraher-Amidon