Dear Editor:
I take exception to the comments of Roger Albert concerning the “Housing First” model (‘Housing First’ a successful model in dealing with homelessness, May 23 Letter). This is what Dawn to Dawn has been doing in practice for a number of years now in the Comox Valley. They provide low barrier housing to those in need. There is more needed, but this is a start.
On the subject of Ronna-Rae Leonard and Maple Pool, it’s clear to me she was not on the side of Maple Pool residents. Of course we don’t know how the votes went in the “in camera” sessions, and Ms. Leonard has not informed us on how she voted, but we do know that under her watch the persecution of the Maple Pool residents did not end.
Her tenure as chair of the Housing Task Force was tenuous at best and non-functional at all. They accomplished zero in the homelessness battle, pathetic!
We need to now move on, we need to develop more affordable housing units in the Valley, which seems to be slowly happening.
Ted Brooks
Former member Friends of Maple Pool
Former chair, Comox Valley Commission to End Homelessness