In response to sent to Mayor Larry Jangula (and published in the Nov. 16 Comox Valley Record) about the proposal to add a small cross at each end of the rainbow crosswalk, I would like to propose that you also put a pentagram next to the crosses to remind everyone of all the witches that were persecuted, burned, or hung by Christians for their Wiccan beliefs.
We Wiccans would like to be included in this example of “diversity and inclusiveness” that Mr. Zerkee proposes. Also, because of Wiccan belief in inclusion for all, I propose we have every religion recognized on this crosswalk.
We could have Hindu, Buddhism, Islamic, Judaism, Sikh, Baha’i, Jain, Shinto, Zoroastrian, Rastafarian, and Scientology represented as well.
These are only the most popular religions and we should make room for everyone. Or, we could just leave the Pride Crosswalk alone and not include any religious symbols because Canada is a secular nation.
Camille Richards