Dear editor,
On reading Tony Farrell’s Letter to the Editor of Sept. 26, entitled “Desalination would solve the world’s water issues,” I was reminded of numerous fallacies about desalination.
But first, I want to note, that the residents of the Comox Valley, are per capita, some of (if not the) highest water users in the country (see page 7 and 8 of the); we need to look at drastically reducing overall water usage, wastage and then metering for use.
Beyond that, I know that the farms in the Valley need water and we must conserve for their use. But we also must find new, cheaper and better ways to use our water; so might I suggest mandating rainwater collection, grey water use in gardens and xeriscaping.
Now, once we have reduced our usage and wastage, then talk about what sources we have at hand. That said, desalination is an expensive and rarely used well, source of water. Only when they really are needed, should they be considered and we have no need, not should we incur the initial expense, nor the long-term contracts required to sustain such a boondoggle of a suggestion.
Reduce our overall and individual usage, re-use the grey water we have already available and recycle what must go out better then we do (ergo black water).
Anthony Hopkins,