Dear editor,
I have noticed in the paper that the NDP/Green coalition is already costing us more money again; that is $610 million for delays in building site C hydroelectric dam.
I also heard recently on radio an interview with leader of Greens, Mr. Weaver.
He was very enthusiastic about electric cars with lots of detail and how quickly they would charge and how good they would be for all of us. However I was disappointed with the person doing the interview (CBC) that they did not ask him how he feels about site C.
If he is against it as “Greens” are, next question would be how is he proposing to produce all the electricity needed for many of these cars? If not site C, what else? Coal powered plants? Nuclear energy? I have nothing against either, but I would like to know what an important politician is proposing. And how much is this site C delay/cancellation and other energy source going to cost? Building electric cars is OK, but producing the energy for them is not?
George Novak