Dear Editor,
I must strongly protest the city’s ham-handed and dictatorial imposition of a maximum of three yard waste bags or bins per week. If the intent is to get us to reduce or recycle what nature brings to our yards, in order for the city to cut costs, then this will just cause other problems, such as dumping on wasteland or in the bush.
There’s only so much we can compost back in our backyards - we do so with all our kitchen scraps already - but some things, like maple leaves, don’t break down easily (thank goodness I got rid of those trees that dropped leaves enough to fill 16 bags three to four times each fall). But what we are left with today is a fair amount of winter-damaged greenery that we are no longer ably and legitimately allowed to dispose of.
If one other reason is for scheduling, as I’ve been told, I can’t see why the powers-that-be can’t expect seasonal influxes, and plan accordingly.
The response to my email from the city indicated that it would be acceptable for me to disperse my excess bags among neighbours (I’m sure they will agree) but really, is that the answer they want from us? Same amount, just spread around. Preposterous.
What a ridiculous imposition - without our input, too.
Peter Blackmore,