A report of a residential break, enter and theft was made to the Comox Valley RCMP on Oct. 10. Sometime in the late afternoon, or early evening, a residence, located on the 1900 block of Sea Terrace Road, in Courtenay, had been broken into by an unknown person(s). While in the residence, several pieces of home electronics, cash and sporting equipment was stolen. The Integrated Forensic Identification Section is assisting with this investigation. (2017-14973)
Specialized recovery
On Oct. 12, during an unrelated investigation, the Comox Valley RCMP recovered a stolen bicycle. The bicycle appears to be an expensive Specialized brand bike. If you are missing a Specialized bike, it may be at the Comox Valley RCMP detachment. Please contact Cst. Monika Terragni at 250-338-1321 and cite file number 2017-15079. If you can identify this bike, the RCMP would like to get this item back to you.
Pickup pinched
The theft of a red 1998 Chevrolet pickup bearing license plate number 7850ET was reported to the Comox Valley RCMP on Oct. 12. The vehicle had been parked at a job site on the 5400 of Duncan Bay Main Road, in Courtenay. (2017-15066)
Residential B&E, theft
The Comox Valley RCMP responded to a report of a residential break, enter and theft on Oct. 12. The residence, located on the 1900 block of Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay, was entered by an unknown person(s) and several items were stolen, including cash, and a television. The Integrated Forensic Section is assisting with this investigation.(2017-15080)
Smashed side window
On Oct. 13, the Comox Valley RCMP received a report of a mischief to a vehicle. The vehicle had broken down on Highway 19, near the Dove Creek Bridge, and parked overnight. When the owner returned to retrieve the vehicle, the driver side window had been smashed out. (2017-15120)
Excessive speeding
A vehicle travelling in excess of the posted speed limit caught the attention of a Comox Valley RCMP officer on Oct. 15. The vehicle was travelling at 142 km/h in a 60 km/h zone. A traffic stop was initiated and the driver was issued an excessive speeding violation ticket and the vehicle was impounded for seven days. Of note, this occurred mid-morning and the vehicle had gone past a cyclist and pedestrians walking along the shoulder of the roadway.
Donation box stolen
During the early morning hours of Oct. 16, an unknown person broke into a business located on the 1700 block of 13 Street in Courtenay. While inside the business, a plexiglass donation box was stolen from a counter. (2017-15267)
Tools taken
On Oct. 16, the Comox Valley RCMP responded to a report of a break enter and theft that occurred on Powerhouse Road, in Courtenay. A construction site had been entered sometime overnight and a storage area was broken into. While inside, several construction tools and copper wire was stolen. The Integrated Forensic Section is assisting with this investigation.
If you have any information regarding any of these files, please contact the Comox Valley RCMP at 250-338-1321 and cite the accompanying file numb er (in parentheses). If you wish to remain anonymous, contact Comox Valley Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at comoxvalleycrimestoppers.bc.ca. When reporting through Crime Stoppers, you never have to identify yourself or testify in court, and you could receive a cash reward for your information.