Comox Strathcona Waste Management’s new management plan is moving on to the next stage: figuring out options and strategies.
This summer, more than 3,000 people shared their ideas about how solid waste should be managed in the future. On Nov. 23, the Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) board received the summary consultation report and directed staff to proceed to Step 3, to develop options and strategies for how the Comox Strathcona Waste Management Service can achieve the new goals and guiding principles. Further public engagement will in occur in 2024 focused on the next steps within the process.
“We are tremendously grateful for the public input generated through this engagement process,” said Vivian Schau, senior manager of CSWM Services. “How we manage our waste involves virtually every resident and business so it’s critical we hear what works and doesn’t work for our communities. This allows us to tailor our 10-year plan to the specific needs of our vast service area.”
The planning process will now advance to the third of four steps to submit a new solid waste management plan to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy in 2025. The plan will guide how garbage, recycling, yard, and food waste programs are managed for the next decade within the Comox Valley and Strathcona Regional Districts.
The province recommends that plans be renewed every 10 years to ensure the plan reflects best practices and the evolving realities of solid waste. The last plan was updated in 2012. Meanwhile, the Comox Strathcona Waste Management service area population has grown 13 per cent during that time and is forecast to continue to grow.
As communities, regulations, and public needs change, the CSWM must adapt to meet the evolving environment through the delivery of effective, cost-efficient and convenient solid waste management services.
The What We Heard Consultation Summary report is available here: