Chances Casino in Courtenay will host a community event in support of the Godfrey family.
Last month, 32-year-old Chris Godfrey passed away after being critically injured by a throw during a slo-pitch tournament in Courtenay.
The event, on Sept. 16, at the casino includes: BBQ, Beer Garden, Silent Auction and a full afternoon of live entertainment. Entrance is by donation.
One hundred per cent of proceeds will go directly to assist Chris Godfrey’s wife and young daughter during their time of need.
The event to take place in the back parking lot. Overflow parking is available at The Mex Pub.
Doors are at 11 a.m.; entertainment begins at noon. The entertainment line up includes Helen Austin, Shotgun Kelly, Amanda Usher and headliner Completely Creedence (CCR tribute).