SWI announces its annual fundraising Nature Camp being held this year at Paradise Meadows/Vancouver Island Mountain Sports Centre from Sept. 12 to 15.
This SWI retreat event features two full-day field trips (on the Wednesday and Thursday) and three evening presentations, plus the possibility of additional half day walks from the Paradise Meadows trailhead on the Tuesday and Thursday.
Full day field trips will visit a) Croteau Lake and b) McKenzie Lakes &Meadows.
Pace will be slow, stopping to observe plant and animal life en route.
On the field trips there will be instruction in basic mushroom identification.
Evening presentations include the history of the park and SWI (Marlene and Steve Smith), First Nations foodways (Sharon Niscak) subalpine ecology (Loys Maingon) and the Vancouver Island marmot (Adam Taylor/Cheney Jackson).
The Strathcona Wilderness Institute is a non-profit organization whose mission is to inspire awareness, appreciation and stewardship of the natural world through education and participation.
The institute works through a co-operative agreement with BC Parks at two locations in Strathcona Park — the Wilderness Centre at Paradise Meadows and the Buttle Lake Information Hut — offering a range of programs and publications for visitors.
Activities are conducted by volunteers, with some help from students employed through the Canada Summer Jobs for students program.
This Nature Camp is intended as a fundraiser to support SWI’s programs and the operation of the Strathcona Park Wilderness Centre.
The registration form is downloadable from the SWI website: strathconapark.org/nature-camp-2017/
The deadline for registration is Aug. 28.
For more information, contact Alison at strathconawilderness@gmail.com or 250-331-0143.