“Writing a book is a lot like getting married,” says award-winning author Paula Wild.
“You have to make a commitment and invest time and energy in the relationship. It’s exciting in the beginning but easy to get bogged down in the middle.”
Join Wild for intensive writing workshops at Sea Watch Cabins on Vancouver Island’s West Coast May 27 to 31 and June 17 to 21. Registration deadline for the May workshop is April 30.
Manuscript to Book – Key Elements to Success is a guide to preparing your work for publication. The course is open to anyone working on a book-length manuscript, be it mystery, history, memoir or something in-between.
“Whether you’ve completed your manuscript or gotten lost along the way, Manuscript to Book will motivate you to take the next step,” says Wild.
Participants will learn about focus — finding and sticking to the theme of their story — one of the biggest problem areas for struggling writers. Other topics include point of view, the perfect paragraph and the art of rewriting. Wild will also provide tips on finding and working with a publisher or going the self-publishing route.
The retreat includes group sessions and a private meeting with Wild for a detailed analysis of your work. There will also be time to write, hike, kayak or just relax. Full manuscript evaluation is available by prior arrangement.
“Everyone will learn techniques for developing a realistic plan to complete their project,” says Wild. “And a limited enrolment of five means ample time for questions and feedback.”
Wild has written thousands of articles, a privately commissioned memoir and four books, most of which appeared on the Vancouver Sun B.C. Bestseller List soon after publication. She’s currently working on a book about wild cougars.
Workshops take place on a privately owned island in Nutchatlitz Provincial Park adjacent to Nootka Island. Hosts for the retreat are longtime residents Shannon Bailey and Brian Witt.
The $740 fee includes the workshop, accommodation and meals, as well as round-trip water transportation from Tahsis. Carpooling to Tahsis to be arranged. Full payment and pages for evaluation must be received by April 30 for the May workshop and May 24 for the June course.
To register or for more information about Sea Watch Cabins, visit www.nuchatlitz.ca, call Shannon at 250-332-5958 or e-mail seawatch@nuchatlitz.ca.
For more information about the workshops, visit www.paulawild.ca, e-mail paulawild@shaw.ca or call Wild at 250-338-7740.
— Paula Wild