The Village of Cumberland council approved the 2024-2028 financial plan at the Jan. 8 council meeting.
The adopted financial plan was developed around the 2023-2027 Council Strategic Priorities and includes a tax increase of 7.52 per cent for 2024. This will provide just under $300,000 in additional revenues required to fund increases related to inflation and some new initiatives approved by council. E
fforts are made to offset increasing costs through efficiencies.
“We are excited to showcase the 2024-2028 financial plan,” said Mayor Vickey Brown. “Throughout our budget process Cumberland council stayed focused on our strategic priorities: diverse and healthy community; sustainable service delivery and asset management; and community planning to ensure the continued vibrancy, fiscal health, and inclusivity of our village. An increase in property taxes is necessary to ensure that we can continue to offer the services you rely on. Staff continue to be successful in generating grants for major projects, which helps limit tax increases. We’ve worked hard to balance the scales—maintaining low taxes as much as possible while safeguarding essential services and reserving funds for future needs. Cumberland is thriving, and it takes a village to make it that way – let’s keep it up!”
Public consultation took place last November at a Village Hall and open house after budget workshops with council and staff that were open to the public. Comments received throughout the year were also considered by council.
The adopted financial plan includes an overall increase of 7.98 per cent for utility charges and frontage tax. Part of this increase is required to fund the operating costs for the new Wastewater Treatment Plant currently under construction.
The key capital projects included in the 2024 approved budget are:
• Cumberland Dam #2 reconstruction and restoration of the adjacent stream over the next two years (funded by senior government grant);
• Purchase of two electric vehicles and installation of a charging station (partly funded through the Local Government Climate Action Program).
Additionally, the budget accounts for the following initiatives:
• Sewer and storm master plans update;
• Liquid Waste Management Plan Phase 3;
• Utility rates review;
• Additional funding for fleet replacement;
• Bylaw enforcement service review and policy development;
• Complete communities analysis (grant funded).
The estimated increase in municipal taxes and charges for 2024 for a single-family household is $243 or $20 per month. This estimation doesn’t include any increases for taxes collected for other taxing authorities, such as school and policing taxes and taxes collected for regional services, hospital and library.
For more details on the 2024-2028 financial plan, visit