Barb Langhorn loves Halloween.
Just drive by her home at 2316B Willemar Ave. in Courtenay and see for yourself.
Virtually every inch of her yard – and carport – is covered in Halloween regalia, and yet somehow she manages to add to it every year.
“I do it because I love to see the kids happy,” she said. “It’s one day a year that I can give back a little.”
As one half of a duplex, she shares the lot, but she said her next-door neighbours are very accommodating.
“They are great with it. They bring the kids over, as many of the neighbours do.”
The display features skeletons of all shapes and sizes – even one of a horse – Jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, goblins, witches and warlocks. There is a spooky merry-go-round, and even a band of skeletons playing in the carport.
“They play their own music – banjo and guitar.”
Projectors that show werewolves and witches and dancing skeletons will be set up for Halloween night. There is even an interactive station for the trick-or-treaters.
“The table has things they can touch and play with - books that move, and just different little things,” said Langhorn.
Langhorn adds to the display every day until Oct. 31. The star of the show is her fire-breathing dragon, which will be the final piece assembled.
“He’s the last thing we put up. He is very delicate… the wings and such,” she said. “He breathes fire, blows smoke, has blue eyes. He will be up for Halloween night.”
Langhorn has no idea how many ornaments and features she has on display, but she does know she is running out of room on her lawn.
“Oh, I’ve already run out of room,” she said.
“Next year we will probably fill up the rest of the room on the (second-floor) deck. That’s where the dragon goes.
Langhorn gets in on the act as well. She makes sure to dress up in order to entertain the trick-or-treaters on Halloween.
“Last year I was a dinosaur. This year I will be the Queen of Hearts,” she said.