Want to get more out of your relationships?
The Sex, Dating and Relating Teen Conference is all about helping you do that.
On May 7, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Kyle Lippert and other youth and family workers in the Comox Valley are presenting DVDs by Mark Gungor and Pam Stenzel at St. George’s United Church in Courtenay (Sixth and Fitzgerald).
Gungor and Stenzel are eye-opening, entertaining speakers who help people make better decisions to get more out of their relationships without all the physical and emotional baggage. Their goal is to give practical and helpful information that’s not usually heard in the media, education system, or even church.
Gungor has been transforming relationships all over the world with his humorous and insightful presentation for teens of many ages, beliefs and backgrounds. For years Stenzel was on the frontlines as director of Alpha Women’s Center, a counselling center for women undergoing crisis pregnancies. She’s an international speaker who’s talked with thousands of students around the world in public schools about sex.
The DVDs cover Relating: Tale of Two Brains Teen Edit; Dating: Keys to Dating Smart; Sex: The Truth No One is Telling You; and Sex Still Has a Price Tag. There will also be times at the event to talk with friends about everything covered.
Lippert is the family and youth worker at St. George’s. He has been married for nine years and has three kids.
“This material is unlike any other I’ve come across to help teens get more out of their relationships. I wish I would have known this stuff when I was younger,” says Lippert.
Sign up now by e-mailing an RSVP to stgeorgeuc@shaw.ca, or just show up on May 7 at St. George’s at 10 a.m. This free event includes a pizza-lunch, snacks, and drinks.
For more information, go to www.sgucc.com or call 250-334-4961 between 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday to Friday.
Parents or guardians of teens are welcome.