On May 8, Comox Valley Ground Search and Rescue will hold its annual outdoor gear swap and consignment sale.
The sale is a great place to buy or sell any and all outdoor gear. In past years we have sold everything from Golf equipment to boats.
Bicycles are always a hot item, as are any type of hiking and camping equipment. The gym at Queneesh Elementary will be full of items to look at and good deals are there for everyone.
If you have outdoor stuff you are wanting to sell, bring it in to the swap either this Saturday from 9 to 4 or on Sunday from 8 to 10. Any and all type of outdoor equipment will be accepted other than climbing gear, firearms and ski equipment.
CV Ground Search and Rescue uses this as one of its major fundraisers for the year and funds raised help it to buy equipment to use on searches and rescues.
Got questions? Contact Mel for more info about the swap at 250-331-1990 or come to the sale Sunday.
— Comox Valley Ground Search and Rescue