CORE Landscape Products is pleased to be working with the Haiti Ocean Project to educate the youth and fishermen of Haiti to ensure the long-term survival of their marine environment through education, research and the creation of marine eco-tourism.
Our first visit to Haiti will bring donated, used equipment to monitor, record and document marine conditions. Megan Rutledge, on behalf of CORE, will take the equipment to Haiti, and assist in monitoring the fisherman by-catch — and subsequent rescue/rehab and release of non-targeting marine life such as pilot whales, dwarf sperm whales, spotted dolphins, sea turtles and unique shark species, all located within two kilometres from shore.
The non-profit Haiti Ocean Project is a volunteer-based, hands-on program created by Jamie Aquino, a Florida teacher. It hopes to inspire youth become stewards of the unique Haitian marine ecosystem.
The project also educates Haitians about marine environment protection, and how it translates to a healthy and sustainable country — which can only happen through the creation of marine conservation areas and the building of a sustainable marine tourism industry.
So far, a handful of graduates of the program have pursued degrees in marine biology through scholarships.
Aquino’s work has been documented by Simon Reeves of the BBC, outlining the uniqueness of Haitian marine life (see Haiti Ocean Project’s Facebook page to view Simon’s video).
The next phase is to build an education and research/rehab centre. We need your support.
Start by following us on Facebook and Instagram, and share and like us. Then follow Rutledge’s adventures over the next month in Haiti.
If moved to support us, we’d love to hear from you.