The Comox Valley will see significant sewer system upgrades along sections of roads in the town of Comox starting in March.
The Comox Valley Sewer Conveyance Project will route sewer pipes further inland to eliminate vulnerability to damage by waves, rocks and logs. This project is key to protecting the coastline, resolving environmental risk and preparing for future growth.
The project will last approximately 30 months and will be executed in two phases. The first phase will start in March and involves works in the town of Comox and sections of Electoral Area B in the Lazo Road area. The second phase will begin in 2025 and will entail the construction along Comox Road and along Comox Avenue to Rodello Street. Construction scheduled for 2024 will affect many residents and businesses in the downtown core of the town of Comox and eastern portions of Comox, including sections of Electoral Area B.
To learn more about the construction schedule and traffic impacts, the CVRD invites the community to attend one of three information sessions scheduled for January.
In-person open houses:
• Tuesday, Jan. 16, 4-7 p.m., Little Red Church, 2182 Comox Ave., Comox
• Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2:30-5 p.m., Comox Community Centre, 1855 Noel Ave., Comox
Online webinar:
• Thursday, Jan. 25, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Zoom (Pre-register at
Prior to construction of the sewer forcemain, there will be preparatory work involving utility locates, soil sampling, and storm and watermain replacements starting January 15 and continuing throughout February and March. These work requirements will result in minor traffic interruptions within the Town of Comox.
“This project involves many complexities related to construction and traffic flow,” explained James Warren, chief administrative officer of the Comox Valley Regional District. “All commuters residing, working, and travelling on some of our busiest routes will be impacted in some form or another. The CVRD is collaborating with various authorities and partners to ensure the seamless and efficient execution of this project, with a focus on minimizing traffic disruptions where possible. Central to this effort is maintaining consistent and transparent communication with residents, providing information on what to anticipate throughout the construction phase and offering guidance on planning accordingly.”
For more information about the upcoming construction of the Sewer Conveyance Project and to view an interactive map of the traffic impacts, visit