On Tuesday, Nov. 7, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) held its inaugural board meeting for the 2023-2024 session.
The CVRD board comprises local elected officials appointed by their respective councils, along with elected CVRD representatives from the three electoral areas. Each November, the CVRD directors elect the chair and vice-chair positions for the board for the coming year.
This year, the board elected Will Cole-Hamilton (Courtenay) as board chair and Jonathan Kerr (Comox) as board vice-chair. Both will serve in these positions for the next year.
“The CVRD board is committed to delivering programs and services that address the needs of the Comox Valley and align with our strategic drivers” said Cole-Hamilton. “We’ve named five focal points for service delivery: fiscal responsibility, climate crisis, community partnerships, Indigenous relations, and our newest driver accessibility, diversity, equity and inclusion. As we head into financial planning, the drivers will help to ensure our services are delivered in meaningful ways.”
For more information on the CVRD board and to learn about upcoming meetings, visit the e at Comoxvalleyrd.ca