It’s that time of year again: Scotch broom is starting to bloom and the Comox Valley Broombusters are on the offensive.
The dedicated group that works to eliminate the invasive species is reaching out for volunteers.
Why cut Scotch broom? If left unchecked broom quickly take over, choking out native plants.
In 2023 the Invasive Species Council of BC declared that Scotch broom is the top offender of biodiversity in BC. Mature plants can produce more than 20,000 seeds so the best time to cut the broom is while it is bloom and before the seed pods form. The plants will die in the summer’s dry heat. It is important to cut the broom right at or slightly below ground level to keep the stock from re-sprouting. Only very small broom should be pulled. Pulling larger broom can disturb the soil, which can stimulate the fallen seeds from previous years to germinate.
Community cuts are work parties where volunteers come together to cut broom in a specified area and are a good way to learn proper cutting technique before cutting on your own. Community cuts are also a great way to get to know your neighbours and your local parks, to pitch in and even have fun. Some volunteers like it so much that they even start to cut broom on their own, whenever they have a free hour or so, and take on a park or walkway in their neighbourhood.
Comox Valley Broombusters will be teaming with Back County Horsemen to cut broom by the Hardy Road parking lot of Seal Bay Park on Saturday, April 27 from 9:30 – noon. All are welcome to join them for a post-Earth Day Broombusting event. Other community cuts will be listed at , or contact Bev at for more information. New volunteers are always welcome to help to make the Comox Valley a broom-free area! Loppers and secateurs are supplied – all you need is your enthusiasm and a pair of work/gardening gloves.