Little leprechauns and their families traded in their dollars for some St. Patrick’s Day cheer as school let out for spring break.
Grade 6 and 7 students from Aspen rolled up their sleeves to host a fundraising barbecue for classmates and parents.
The 11- to 13-year-olds organized this event. After seeking some donations from the community, students worked in small groups to bake and ice cupcakes, prepare tables and music, sell tickets and make change, serve slushies and cook hotdogs.
The enthusiastic Aspen community and willing local sponsors made the afternoon a success.
The Ryan Road 7-Eleven kindly provided some festive Slurpees and more hotdogs when students sold out unexpectedly. Managers Helen and Césare even helped serve hungry students and parents.
Crown Isle Thrifty Foods also donated condiments and wieners to the cause.
The fundraising goal of the barbecue was to help families of students pay for a trip to Camp Homewood, Quadra Island in May. For some, this camp experience will be their first time off Vancouver Island and away from home. Students leave behind video games, cell phones and other trappings of modern life in order to enjoy time in a natural environment, often creating memories carried well into adulthood.
The Grade 6/7 students want to congratulate Logan Peters, in Grade 1, who correctly guessed that there were 137 chocolate coins in the pot of gold at the barbecue. This primary youngster clearly had the “Luck of the Irish” on St. Patrick’s Day!
Sincere thanks to all who participated in this event.