Alanna Wadhwani said it started out as a favour to a friend, who wanted a custom Christmas ornament that reflected the “poopy” nature of 2020.
Wadhwani, a Maple Ridge resident, came up with a handcrafted Christmas tree decoration that shows a dog doing what dogs do, with the result labelled “2020.”
She’d made a few extra, so she offered them for sale online.
“I got a pretty big response,” Wadhwani told Black Press Media.
“It just blew up.”
In the first 24 hours alone, there were 300 orders.
Now, Wadhwani, her husband and three sons have been busy making the dog ornaments, assembling them at a dining table, along with a new cat-inspired design in a similar vein.
“We’ve got a factory going,” Wadhwani laughed.
“We’re elbows deep in dog doo.”
She is still taking orders through the website under “.”
Wadhwani thinks the reason the ornaments are a hit is because the decorations struck a chord in people who are coping with a difficult year, and how it all feels, well…
“Everyone can agree, that some time you stepped in dog poo,” Wadhwani summed up.
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