The end of the 2010/2011 curling season for the 50+ League was celebrated in fine style on Wednesday, March 23 with a three-draw final bonspiel followed by a banquet and dancing.
Members of the league have been heading to the rink Mondays and Wednesdays during the day since October, enjoying the challenges of the game in a non-competitive nature. The club focuses more on the social, fun and physical fitness aspects of curling with three fun bonspiels per season plus an out-of-town bonspiel in Campbell River which is always fun.
"The whole club is very proud of the team of Dan Blue, Barb Brinnen, Terry Francis and Eva Moore who won the A Division in Campbell River," a club spokesperson said. "The team of Terry Kirkoski, Jim Mason, Jim Hercus and Terry Francis will be heading to the BC Senior Games in Trail in August and we wish them great success."
The end of the curling season doesn't however mean the end of activities for the club as there will also be a golf tournament and summer potluck picnic to look forward to. New members are always welcome and registration details which will be published in the paper in September.