Dear editor,In lieu of new, unbiased info from a reliable Australian source regarding the purchase of the F35 jets, I have to review my voting preference.Having almost always voted Tory, I am now worried that the truth of the purchase is not above board. The U.S. F22 would perhaps be a better investment and a better-suited aircraft for Canada.Evidently, the F35 was almost scrapped five years ago by the Americans, and is outdated. Both the Chinese and the Russians have a faster and more manoeuvrable plane than the F35 and are selling them to some countries already.I realize we need new planes but the estimated price quoted by the Tories is not the truth, as the real price will likely be double and I’m not sure we need that many.I like our Conservative member here in Comox Valley but will not vote for him unless Harper comes across with the truth, and if he does I am sure his popularity will soar!The added jails? Yes, needed so much!Corporate tax cuts? Some are needed so we will be more competitive, except for our resource-based corporations.Al Land,Comox