Dear editor, In our recent water bill from Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) there was an announcement that Kensington Island Properties (KIP) and UBID lawyers were negotiating a water agreement. Since moving here 24 years ago we have always been open to the proposal of development. Our main concerns continue to be sustainable and affordable water and sewer. We therefore would expect that all parties involved in this process would do due diligence and create a fair and equitable agreement. We would expect that the following considerations and questions be addressed within this agreement:1. Will the entire UBID board of trustees have adequate time and input into this important document? Will we the taxpayers have time to view this agreement and then vote on the finalized rendition? Are there provisions within the water agreement that deal with KIP's shared financial responsibility in the event of a disaster or drought?2. In the event that UBID can't meet the water supply demands for KIP's development what legal process is in place to protect us landowners? Is there a back up plan in place to supply water for the residents of Union Bay? Does he Regional Water Growth Strategy have an alternative water plan in place?3. With regards to the ongoing promise of KIP providing a filtration plant will that installation be at the their costs? Will there be provisions of KIP will pay their share of maintenance fees to operate this ongoing costly process? ( e.g.. filters to remove peat and training for the operators, etc.). 4. With regards to the ongoing maintenance of Langley lake infrastructure will KIP participate financially in any required repairs to the dam, removing the peat that hasn't been done since the 1980s, or increasing the capacity of the lake by raising the walls?We are also very aware of the ongoing costs that will be required to replace aging water pipes and the added costs that will be required to hook into KIP's promised sewer plant. Living on a set limited income we are very concerned about raising taxes that we are already experiencing here in Union Bay. We don't want to have to be forced to move due to uncontrolled tax costs. We only have to look around the world and within to our own province (Victoria and Tofino) to realize the water infrastructure and sewer problems that are being experienced. There are also plans in place to for other developments within UBID's boundaries that will all require our water.Let's protect this valued commodity with a water agreement that we can be proud of —emphasizing the fact that without our precious water no development in probable or feasible.Gen White, Union Bay