Dear editor,
To say that this is an historic day, not only in the history of Israel, but the world, would be a gross understatement.
After observing the political world in which I have lived for 70 years, my faith has somewhat diminished for a world leader actually fulfilling an election promise - particularly one fraught with potentially explosive repercussions.
But, as you well know the ancient saying: ”Cometh the hour; cometh the man.” It’s just that very few of this world’s citizens would believe that “man” to be Donald Trump. I am not even sure that Trump himself is aware of the profound and prophetic implications of his declaration.
This president is willing to lay his life on the line for the sake of truth. Pray God that it won’t be literally.
In the modern world we have craved for leaders to emerge, leaders who are prepared to “stand up and be counted.”
Political leaders who would walk in the footsteps of their biblical counterparts - men like David, Moses, Abraham, Joshua, John the Baptist, Paul, etc.
I have witnessed but few in my lifetime: Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, Benjamin Netanyahu, to name a few.
Jerusalem has always been the capital city of Israel since the time of King David. Trump did not declare it to be so – God did.
What right has any nation to tell another nation which city should be its capital? This is especially so when it comes to the nation of Israel. For 2,000 years alienated from their homeland, God sovereignly and prophetically restored them to their land. When the state of Israel was reborn on May 14, 1948, the world witnessed divine history in the making.
When Jerusalem was finally re-united in 1967, the world witnessed divine history in the making.
Now, today, the world witnesses another piece of divine history in the making. I believe this news today is simply embryonic for what is to come.
Alan Turner,