Dear editor,
I appreciate Mr Fletcher’s columns. They are a welcome respite from the deceptions, omissions, and outright lies that permeate the traditional media. With respect to the two recent letters objecting to his column on climate change, a July 2017 article published in Nature Geoscience by 16 pro-anthropogenic global warming scientists finally admits climate models significantly over-predicted global temperatures this century. The authors even include Michael Mann of now debunked global warming hockey stick fame.
These are the same models that predict our doom unless we pay ever increasing carbon taxes and endure ever increasing restrictions on our freedom. One would have thought the admission of the inadequacies of these models would be big news, but no media outlet in Canada covered it. The political left and the traditional media, who are indistinguishable, never report anything that conflicts with the tax and control narrative. Kudos to Mr. Fletcher, he’s an exception.
NASA reported in 2016 that the increase in CO2 over the past 35 years has led to “an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.” A slightly warmer planet, whether caused by anthropogenic CO2 or not, and lots more vegetation is a good thing according to Dr Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace( see
Ms. Taburiaux, Mr. Reynolds, and others are free to believe what they want with respect to CO2 and the global warming religion, but the rest of us ought not be subject to the negative consequences of their faith and be forced to pay for it.
Bill Metner