Dear editor,
Re: Hunt for History: Glacier View Lodge
I enjoyed reading this article by Judy Hagen except for the incorrect last paragraph where she states “The Views at St. Joe’s is in the hands of the community.”
This is not true. The Views is owned by the Catholic church. Extended care patients living there in one of the 117 beds wanting MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) are not allowed to have it at this facility.
If you are a gay couple at The Views wishing to be in the same room together or are transgender needing your hormone pills, the Catholic church does not recognize same sex couples/marriages or transgender people. So to say this facility is in the hands of the community is incorrect. For two years the Catholic church was quietly trying to have Glacier View Lodge “gifted” to it. Why doesn’t the Catholic church do the honourable thing and gift The Views to the community so that it can truly be in the hands of the community?
Laurel Rousseau