Dear editor,
Did the recent open houses for the Comox Valley Sewer Conveyance Project offer sufficient information for the Comox Valley taxpayers to make a prudent decision for approving this likely $100 million project?
What are the alternatives?
Has an in concert road and sewer improvement study been considered - perhaps by diverting both road and sewer pipe away from Comox Road, by utilizing Scott and McDonald roads to Guthrie/Lerwick and Brent roads.
This two-prong redirect would relieve traffic on the south side of Comox and east side of Courtenay as well as add a direct access to the new residential corridors of both communities. Cost savings for twining these two projects would be substantial - $25/50 million?
Although the Comox Valley Regional District CVRD had a very nice colourful sign presentation, the several on-hand staff I spoke to did not impress me with any real depth of knowledge on the proposal. We, in the Comox Valley, are typical of a high-growth small community, planning ahead, particularly, for 80 years, by trying to visualize the rate of growth without any comparable experience to draw from. My 51 years living and working (35 years) in the Comox Valley in many facets of real estate marketing and development lead me to believe that the future for us will be the receiving end of penturbia in full motion! It is never too late to step back and reconsider the financial undertaking as it relates to the proposal. A couple of million dollars for relocation adjustment is minor compared to the overall cost and benefit.
Harry Holland,