Dear editor,
It’s disappointing to see the Pride crosswalk in downtown Courtenay vandalized again, and local bigots laughing about it on social media.
I’m a heterosexual white male. I wasn’t kicked out of the military because of my sexuality, but I know people who were. I’ve never been beaten, fired, harassed, or evicted because of my sexuality or skin colour. That’s why ‘Straight Pride’ and ‘White Pride’ aren’t a thing: because we’re a majority who’ve never been lynched or raped because of who we are. We’ve got it pretty easy.
It’s great to see that in Alberta’s small towns where Pride crosswalks were vandalized the local police investigated and charged the offenders. Alberta! But not a peep out of the Comox Valley RCMP regarding this criminal offence.
Criminal behaviour needs to be held to account. Let’s see this crime - like all crimes - taken seriously.
John Dacombe,