Dear editor,
Isn’t it ironic that on page A3 of last Wednesday’s (Oct. 12) Record, Courtenay council announces the inauguration of the wood stove police while on the very next page, a valued charity (Comox Valley Child Development Association) is selling kindling to raise funds.
Who do you suppose might be buying that kindling? We wood stove criminals of course.
We would seem to be the only ones supporting this particular fundraising event. If council is curtailing wood stove use, should they not also be curtailing the selling of burnable wood products? Where do they wish to draw their line to regulate personal freedoms? The senior taxpaying citizen who supplies my wood makes his living harvesting slash left over from logging activities. Does council also wish to shut him down? Oh wait; they can’t because that is a regional district issue and that level of government has not deemed it reasonable to criminalize wood burning.
It seems that Courtenay council is either adamant in their quest to ban wood stoves or they are trying to appease a few “squeaky-wheels” to make it look like they are doing something.
Either way, no incumbent got my vote.
Gary Hein,