Dear editor, In response to the letter from S. Friesen in regard to my letter (Why was pain inflicted at hospital in Comox?).Just for fun, are you the spokesperson for your co-workers in the X-ray department and do you also Google other patients' names from the Comox hospital to see if they show up in the doozy obituaries to see their short battle with cancer? Yes, the word genocide … look it up in the dictionary … a targeted population ...causing serious body harm, etc. … when our government refuses to include women’s breasts in the review of the scans then that is targeting women. As for experimental drugs, you can ask my oncologist (I would be happy to give you her number in Abbotsford), who can confirm when she was flagged to rush down to the ward, "Yes, Mrs. Kafka, this is an experimental drug'' and she was so frantic and coming unglued and forgot I was within earshot and told the floor supervisor, ''I've only seen this reaction once and it was a little boy.''Yes, S. Friesen, some people are better at finding hidden things in pictures and it's called being an expert — in your trade also known as a professional. If you take that responsibility and you know you cannot deliver what is asked of you, then stop and move on where you do no harm to a human being.When you choose a profession like a physician-radiologist and that a yes or a no could cause or speed up a person's death, you'd better be good at your job.Even a judge appoints a jury of 12 people to make such a final decision. So why is one radiologist allowed to make life-and-death decisions? This is a very powerful position above a jury.This is wrong. What more value is there in life but a human life?The Canadian government should show responsibility and respect to the people who have died and give the victims of this scandal what they are asking for, a judicial Inquiry so we can fix the problem and make sure no more people die from a system that does not work.The care a nation gives to its people in respect to humanity will be documented and reviewed in time for all nations to judge. Let's make our children proud. Yvonne Kafka,Cumberland