Dear editor,
The Comox Valley Regional District’s home page states “To preserve and protect our region, the Comox Valley Regional District is committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent by 2030.”
Titled “Road to 2030: Comox Valley Climate Action Challenge,” this challenge is being challenged by auto racing on this “Road to 2030.”
This challenge requires our sacrifice on behalf of our children.
As we all know asking people to sacrifice requires them to know why in order for them to comply.
Compliance is made much harder when denial of the need is the prevailing mindset.
Council must not be intimidated by the gathering un-neighbourly crowd. As with any selfish bully, a mature and resolute response is required.
The issue of carbon pollution abatement is directly in front of council and is challenging them to take the leadership role they accepted from the electorate.
We banned CFCs and asbestos because they were killing us.
This small step forward is required now on the Climate Action Challenge Road to 2030.
Mel McLachlan,