I intend to run for Area A director Royston, Baynes Sound, Denman and Hornby Island in the Oct. 15 municipal election.
Over the past few years our communities have had no shortage of challenges. As a resident of Royston, I have heard from a number of people who have expressed concern that their voices are not represented at the regional district table. They have shared concerns they feel haven’t been handled in ways that best represent most residents.
I believe if you want to see change you need to step up and do something about it. That is why I have decided to put my name forth. It’s time we put focus back into communities, and move forward with goals that are realistic and achievable for all.
I will advocate to the province for policies, projects and programs to advance efforts to create more subsidized housing. Royston area alone has seen a 9.9 per cent increase in population between 2016-2021. I will advocate for changes to streamline the process and shorten the timeframe in which building permits and approvals are completed. We are in a housing crisis and part of addressing that is getting supply brought on line as quickly as possible.
Transportation, Denman Island ferry
We need to continue to pressure BC Ferries until solutions are found. Residents are unable to have confidence in their ability to travel on and off the islands for medical appointments, shopping, etc. Delivery of goods and services are affected. Some residents have had to leave employment due to long commutes. The ability to travel on and off the island with certainty is a must.
Public transportation:
Transportation in a rural area, without access to a vehicle, is difficult at best without alternative transportation options. Increasing public transportation helps lessen the number of vehicles on the road, and helps with employee shortages as it opens options for rural residents. It also has potential to help with vehicle overloads on Denman Island ferries.
Fiscal responsibility
Property owners saw an increase of 3.87 per cent in 2022 property taxes, but feel they’ve had a decrease in services and quality of services provided. I will work towards ensuring tax dollars are spent effectively and efficiently. Other concerns are protecting shellfish, parks and green spaces, and recycling and garbage services. I will advocate for solutions to assist with doctor and nurse shortages, and homelessness, and find ways to better support farmers and the 17th Street bridge.
It’s time to put communities first.
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