The supportive housing facility in place of the former Super 8 Hotel (now known as The Lodge) has been open for six months. The Record asked neighbours and local businesses for an update on how the facility has been so far.

Robert Mulrooney - Business owner near the facility
“I would suggest that nothing’s changed. Neither better or worse. It’s been business as usual really.”
“I would say that since I sent the letter to the editor… I’ve changed my tune a little bit on it.

Sunny Deshwal - Neighbour to the facility
“There’s nothing unusual.”
“It’s quiet. There’s no noise.”
“People are good. There’s nothing like people doing dope or anything like that.”

Bob Bishop and girlfriend - Neighbour to the facility
“There aren’t any issues and I was surprised. I was talking to Bob saying ‘when are they going to move people in,’ (and they were already there).”
“They’ve done a good job of cleaning up the place anyway. It’s not noisy or anything.”

Norma Schedel - Neighbour to the facility
“We’re kind of on the edge of the not-so-good neighbourhood… but I haven’t noticed it has gotten any worse.”
“The guy that lives downstairs twice somebody tried to break (into his car), and one did break into his vehicle and another guy… was trying to pull his mountain bike off the back of his truck four months ago.”
“(In this neighbourhood however) we’ve always heard people arguing, drunk, and sometimes cutting through here.”