Are you prepared for retirement – financially, mentally, emotionally?
If you’re retiring in the next five to 10 years, you won’t want to miss an upcoming presentation from local retirement expert Bill Parkinson.
A certified professional retirement coach and instructor in North Island College’s School of Business, Parkinson will be sharing his fresh approach to ‘life after work’ at 6:30 p.m. on May 9th at Crown Isle Resort.
For Parkinson, retirement planning extends beyond traditional methods like RRSPs and compound interest. He uncovers what matters most to retirees, asking, “What do you really want in retirement? What experiences do you seek, how do you wish to contribute, and how can you continue to grow?”
“Traditional retirement planning focuses almost exclusively on money, and while this is an important component of preparing for this life stage, there are other factors just as important to a fulfilling retirement that often go neglected,” says Parkinson. “Staying connected socially in a world where we are increasingly isolated from one another, continuing to learn and be mentally engaged, maintaining physical functionality and living in alignment with our core values all matter, too.”
This comprehensive view on retirement drew the attention of Robert Mulrooney, senior investment advisor at Mindset Wealth, sponsor of the event.
“In my 29 years in the wealth management business, I’ve observed numerous clients struggling in retirement, facing senior divorces, depression and even suicide attempts. Our profession extends beyond numbers,” notes Mulrooney, reflecting on the challenges retirees can encounter.
Having known Parkinson for several years as a professor at NIC, Mulrooney became intrigued by his new focus on coaching retirees through this significant life transition.
“Bill delves into the essence of a fulfilling retired life by transcending discussions solely centered on liquidity, investments and tax strategies.”
That said, Parkinson is well-versed in discussing the fiscal aspects of retirement. In addition to his accreditation as a certified professional retirement coach, he holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the UBC Sauder School of Business and a Master of Arts from Athabasca University and has been teaching at NIC’s School of Business since 2005.
But it’s an integrated, holistic approach that resonates with him.
“I want to introduce attendees to important non-financial lifestyle considerations that can greatly impact personal enjoyment in retirement. There is so much more to retirement planning than having enough money,” notes Parkinson. “As people live longer and have greater expectations about remaining vital in retirement, it is essential to plan for a life stage that could last 30 years or more.”
Following the presentation from Parkinson, there will be a discussion with a panel of professionals at various stages of retirement and the floor will be open to a question and answer session with the audience.
Register for free by contacting Mindset Wealth at 250-338-5222 or email: The talk will run from 6:30 p.m. until about 8:00 p.m.