Melanie McCollum, Courtenay city councillor and CVRD director, is seeking re-election on Oct. 15.
With her strong financial background, she has a broad understanding of budgeting needs and financial constraints, delivering careful and balanced representation.
“Serving on council has given me a renewed appreciation for community and service,” says McCollum. “I’m committed to building on the successes of the last four years, creating a community that benefits everyone.”
As a council member, McCollum has supported the development of park space and amenities like the Riverway Trail, the McPhee Meadows Park and Kus-kus-sum, a joint project with K’ómoks First Nation and Project Watershed. She is also proud of the newly adopted Official Community Plan (OCP), which makes way for responsible, sustainable, future-friendly development. The OCP will enable more housing choices and require affordable units when rezoning occurs.
McCollum’s financial skillset has proven to be a valuable asset for local government decision-making. Her knowledge of financial statements and budget processes enables her to analyze financial data, provide solutions and improve policy. Municipalities across Canada are struggling to keep service costs down, while addressing complex issues like housing, climate change and the impacts of the toxic drug supply.
If re-elected, McCollum will work with council, neighbouring municipalities and higher levels of government to create a local housing corporation to develop and manage affordable housing. Local housing corporations have been very effective in other regions of BC, providing stable, non-market housing for low and middle-income households.
“I will continue to work on the complex challenges facing our community and bring a collaborative, solutions-based approach to decision making,” continues McCollum.
McCollum moved to the Comox Valley in 2006 with her family. She has a degree in geography, with a focus on urban planning and a post-degree diploma in accounting. She works at North Island College as a financial analyst while serving on council and the CVRD.
“I’m excited to continue representing the needs of our region and working towards a sustainable future for our growing community.”
For more about McCollum, visit , email or follow her on Twitter @mel_mccollum
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