Numerous coastal B.C. communities felt the shock wave of a magnitude 4.9 earthquake Sunday afternoon (Dec. 17).
The epicentre was located 137 kilometres northwest of Pemberton and hit at 3:23 p.m, according to Earthquakes Canada.
EARTHQUAKE Mag=4.9 on 17 Dec at 15:23 PST.
— Earthquakes Canada (@CANADAquakes)
Details :
137 km WNW of Pemberton, BC
The that the effect of the geological event could be felt “on northern and central Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast and many parts of Greater Vancouver.”
Regarded as a light to moderate earthquake on the moment magnitude scale, many residents across the province took to social media to share their experiences.
Among them were Comox Valley residents Lia Lavoie-Bartlett and Jessica Labbe.
“It really wasn’t much,” Courtenay resident Lia Lavoie-Bartlett said. “My daughter had fallen asleep on me on the couch and I felt a low rumble. I have felt other earthquakes in the past and this was very mild. I wondered if it was something going on in the lower units of my apartment but then saw the Facebook post!”
“We were at home and heard our cupboards rattling a bit,” Comox resident Jessica Labbe said. “I was sitting down at the time and felt a slight back and forward movement. It was fairly short.”
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