Time to hold your nose and prance on down to the Big Yellow Merville hall for Merville’s Annual Garlic Fest on Aug. 21.
The garlic sellers will have their wagons overflowing with cloves and scapes, and there will be other seasonal produce such as jams, spirits and baked goods to choose from as well.
The Comox Valley is the land of plenty and garlic is a burgeoning crop here. Growers rally around the festival each year, to be celebrated and to sell their saporously fine crop. Every year, there are dozens of different varieties of stinky garlic offered by farmers.
The hall will have garlicky offerings and while nibbling you may be able to listen to talented local musicians and stroll amid a variety of farmers’ market artisans with items for sale.
The Garlic Fest starts at noon and runs to 4 p.m. but we recommend you come early as the garlic sells out quickly. And a special notice for the early birds - you will have to wait for the noon starting bell.
For vendors, the charge is $25/table or five per cent of sales, whichever is greater. Just let us know if you are coming and we’ll collect towards the end of the event. Vendors can start to set up at 11 a.m.
For more information, visit website or 250-339-4249.
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