B.C. campers will be able to take part in the full experience once again, as campfire bans lift across the province.
As of noon Friday, the BC Wildfire Service has rescinded the campfire prohibition that was in effect in the Kamloops, Okanagan, Kootenay and Cariboo regions.
Recent wet weather – following an unseasonably dry summer – has reduced the wildfire risk in these areas, the province said in a statement.
The use of sky lanterns, binary exploding targets, air curtain burners, fireworks (including firecrackers) and burning barrels or burning cages of any size or description remain prohibited throughout the Southeast Fire Centre, but will be allowed in the Kamloops Fire Centre and Cariboo Fire Centre.
B.C. Wildfire Service is urging campers to remain vigilant, and have ready access to eight litres of water or a shovel during the entire time the campfire is lit, as well as ensuring the campfire is completely extinguished before leaving the site.