The owners of a 400-herd ostrich farm continue to fight for the birds' lives against an order to cull them.
An expedited hearing for a federal court judicial review is expected to take place sometime over the next 10 days, according to Universal Ostrich owners Karen Esperson and Dave Bilinski.
The Edgewood farm owners said on Feb. 20, that they are waiting for an exact date for the hearing.
The federal court issued a stay order Jan. 31, meaning the culling, ordered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is paused until the court reviews the case.
CFIA issued a notice Dec. 31, 2024, to Universal Ostrich to destroy all its birds after a small number tested positive for avian influenza.
Universal Ostrich challenged the decision Jan. 30, 2025 pointing to a healthy herd of birds.
"Last week CFIA denied us testing saying that even if they all test negative they are getting killed," the owners said.
"Let's not allow this to not be another mistake that the government makes. Help us protect the science that can help protect natural immunity and in turn, help human survival in this world."
The unique resilience of the ostriches and the antibodies they have to fight the disease are being studied by the farm in its pursuit of finding a cure for other birds.
Universal Ostrich is prepared to fight CFIA but is looking for financial support to finance the legal battle.
A GoFundMe has already raised more than $32,000, at .
"More than 300 of them have not even shown one symptom," said Alyson Turnbull, who is organizing the fund for her aunt Karen.