On Friday, Equal Access Comox Valley submitted a petition supporting equal access to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) to B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix and to Island Health.
The petition — signed by 2,869 residents — reflects three goals of the organization. First, that those wanting to explore or to access MAiD can do so without encountering faith-based restrictions. Second, that Glacier View Lodge residential care facility’s assets and/or operations should not be transferred to a faith-based organization objecting to MAiD. Finally, that any new residential care beds being allocated to the Comox Valley should be managed solely by secular institutions.
Along with the petition, EACV presented eight supporting arguments. These and background material can be found at
Future actions by Equal Access Comox Valley will be shaped by the response of Dix and Island Health to the petition, and by results of upcoming deliberations of the Glacier View Lodge Society on amalgamation with Providence Health Care.
“Our community should not be shut out of decision-making affecting 58 per cent of our long-term care beds, especially where property was gifted in perpetuity for seniors care,” a news release states.