The annual crime report for Courtenay is available from the Comox Valley RCMP.
Violent crimes
The RCMP filed roughly 2.6 violent crimes per day in Courtenay for 2023. Assault, uttered threat, harassment and sex offences were the most common types.
Violent crime files were up 29 per cent in Courtenay compared to 2019.
The most common violent crime every year was assault. See the graph below for trends over time.
Connect Warming Centre, Superstore, North Island Hospital Comox Valley, Courtenay Courthouse, Washington Apartments and Driftwood Mall were the top-six locations RCMP were called to provide service at.
The most common location was the Connect Warming Centre.
Police received 464 calls for service at the location in 2023 — about three per cent of all calls for service. (Calls for service does not equal actual crimes.) Graphs below show the history of each location over five years.
Property crime
Property crime fell nine per cent since last year.
The most common property crime file in Courtenay was “mischief to property,” which can be defined as damaging property, as well as rendering property dangerous, useless and inoperative.
See the graph below for the history of each crime in Courtenay over the past five years.
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