It was quite a year for news in the Comox Valley.
From chairlift rescues to buck-naked bear encounters, there was a little of everything in 2022.
The following five articles were the most popular with readers this year. Thanks to analytics, we know exactly how many online views each of these articles received. We have listed them in chronological order. Now we want you to relist them, in order of popularity (1 through 5). Click the story titles for links to the articles.
Give us your answers in the comment section at the bottom of this page. All correct guesses will be entered in a contest to win 2 double passes for a VIP movie night (including popcorn and drinks) at Courtenay Landmark Cinemas.
Good luck!
Jan. 7 - Video of a daring chairlift rescue on Mount Washington
Feb. 13 - Winning 6/49 ticket
March 8 - Comox teen wins a frosty foot race
April 17 - Courtenay restaurant makes its TV debut