Tipping fees at Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) facilities will be going up in 2023.
The fee changes are intended to drive positive behavioural change and reduce unneeded waste through financial penalties and higher enforcement about contaminated loads, according to a release from CSWM.
“We understand that increased costs for residents and businesses are never ideal but necessary to keep up with rising costs to balance the solid waste budget,” said Vivian Schau, Senior Manager of CSWM Services. “To reduce your tip fee, we are encouraging customers to sort your materials before coming to the landfill and divert recyclables which will save you both time and money.
“The goal of this tip fee update is to encourage behavior change aimed at reducing waste and thereby extending the life of our landfill, which ultimately saves money for all taxpayers.”
Effective Jan. 1, 2023, the new rates will be as follows:
Material | Unit | Current Rate | New Rates | Change |
Municipal solid waste | Per Tonne | $140 | $145 | $5 |
Asbestos-containing material | Per Tonne | $250 | $275 | $25 |
Clean Fill | Per Tonne | $15 | $25 | $10 |
Clean wood waste | Per Tonne | $120 | $100 | -$20 |
Construction and demolition waste with recyclable materials/prohibited waste | Per Tonne | $140 | $330 | $180 |
Cut grass and leaves | Per Tonne | $0 | $65 | $65 |
Gypsum - divertible | Per Tonne | $225 | $240 | $15 |
Mattresses | Per Unit | $15 | $20 | $5 |
Refrigerant containing units that are not covered by Stewardship Materials | Per Tonne | $15 | $145 | $130 |
Rubble | Per Tonne | $15 | $25 | $10 |
Non-Stewardship tires and tires on rims | Per Tonne | $140 | $145 | $5 |
The violations and penalties have also been updated, which helps provide clarity and add enforcement tools for the service. These include allowing the regional district to levy fines to cover costs of proper disposal, and the ability to prohibit people who contravene the bylaws. That ability will be specifically geared towards offensive and repeated behaviour.
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