Coun. Tom Grant’s motion to add Playtime Bingo in Courtenay to the list of Valley recreation and cultural facilities to be examined to “achieve efficiencies across local governments” in the regional district passed recently in Comox.
Grant, speaking at last week’s Comox committee of the whole meeting, said he feels casino money should be used to help offset recreation expenses.
His motion will be included in feedback to the CVRD regarding a draft recreation/culture services report, which is intended to help municipalities establish a regional service for recreation and cultural facilities. The committee voted in favor of informing the district that the Filberg Lodge and Park, the Pearl Ellis Gallery and the d’Esterre Seniors’ Centre are missing from the report, as are parks such as Goose Spit and Mack Laing. Coun. Marcia Turner is disappointed the report fails to mention the museum.
The committee also favored a staff recommendation that states “the lack of data related to Comox facilities questions the validity of the report.”