The Town of Comox has awarded Halton Recycling - part of Emterra Environmental - a 10-year contract for a three-stream automated collection service.
Beginning January 2024 with a provision for a five-year extension of service, the contract was a result of a joint request for proposal (RFP) between the town and the City of Courtenay, in an attempt to provide a larger economy of scale, to encourage a larger pool of applicants to the RFP and to decrease user costs for residents.
According to a staff report from Jordan Wall, the town’s chief administrative officer, Cumberland, K’ómoks First Nation and the Comox Valley Regional District all have the ability to join the contract at a later date if they desire.
GFL Environmental also made a submission to the RFP process; Halton Recycling was chosen as the preferred proponent due to a lower unit price, experience working in the industry and Valley, a detailed transition plan to automated collection and experience delivering automated service collection in other jurisdictions, noted Wall.
Currently, the town has weekly garbage, organics and bi-weekly recycling collection. As part of this process, Courtenay will be changing their collection service which currently matches Comox excluding household organics collection to bi-weekly recycling and garbage collection with weekly organics pick-up.
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