I am very happy to have represented you these past four years and, with your vote, I look forward to continuing the work I’ve begun.
I was able to stop the construction of a sewage pump station in Area B that would have interfered with the enjoyment of a peaceful neighbourhood and reduced property values in the immediate area, while not benefiting any Area B residents. This issue has not been fully resolved and requires constant vigilance to ensure strong representation for the interests of Area B residents.
After 20 years of conflict, I was able to negotiate a mutually beneficial solution to return Harvard Road beach access to public use. I am aware there are other encroachments to public access to our shoreline, and I pledge to work on behalf of the concerned public to ensure unfettered access for their families.
I secured four separate meetings with the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure to present my concerns and documentation outlining the deplorable state of our highways and ditches – the contractor responsible has been replaced. I recently met with the senior operations manager for Mainroad Contracting to discuss the concerns raised about the poor road maintenance, road safety, and snow removal/sanding that we have experienced over the past years. Mainroad is presently documenting the road and ditch deficiencies and prioritizing the work.
I have a proven track record of getting results.
As I look forward to the next four years, one key project I am passionate about is saving taxpayers the ever-increasing costs of garbage disposal. To that end, I have set in place a process for exploring and monitoring new technologies. The select committee of Comox Strathcona Solid Waste Advanced Technology, which I chair, is exploring some promising processes.
For example, one state-of-the-art technology would eliminate by 90 per cent the garbage buried in our landfill. It has no emissions (gaseous or liquid) and garbage is turned into a salable commodity. I am very excited about this technology’s ability to dramatically reduce the adverse effect our landfill has on our environment while saving tax dollars and creating local jobs!
I welcome your input and feedback. You can reach me by email at rodnichol@shaw.ca, by phone at 250-898-8873, or by cell phone at 250-792-0676.
On election day, please get out and vote – it is vitally important to your community.