Jesse Ketler has enjoyed her first term on Cumberland council.
“It has been awesome to be part of such a caring and involved community.”
Ms. Kelter is proud of the social procurement (community benefit) policy that Cumberland championed and is encouraged to see the idea spreading across B.C.
“It is really about relationship building with the service providers and contractors that we hire and finding a way to build a successful, inclusive community together.”
Cumberland has been changing rapidly. Within the last term, it has gone from one of the most affordable places to live in the Valley to one of the most expensive.
“I sit on the Cumberland Affordable Housing Committee as well as CV Coalition to End Homelessness. It is very hard to try to balance providing housing for people while at the same time, having measured growth.”
There are plans for an affordable apartment building as well as a supportive housing project within the village but Jesse believes that there is much more work to do.
“The province is investing heavily into affordable housing right now so we need to get as much done, in as little time as we can.”
Some of the tools Cumberland is using to develop responsibly are the use of environmental protection areas (EPAs), which are designated areas that ensure natural resources are protected, connectivity restored and maintained, and development impacts mitigated.
“On the Island, only Cumberland and Victoria have Official Community Plans that include EPAs and it is a great benefit for us because we have a small population but a very large municipal boundary that includes many sensitive ecosystems.”
Jesse says there are many things yet to be accomplished including the creation of a tree bylaw, wastewater upgrades and economic development, but she is up to the task and looking for your support.
Re-elect councillor Jesse Ketler on Oct.20.