It would be an honour to get your support this year and be re-elected again as your Island trustee.
I’d like to begin by sharing with you, one of many of my mom’s life lessons: “Alex, never say what you’re going to do; say what you have done.”
And so on that note, here are a few samples of what I have done recently as your trustee:
• Whenever there is an application that would impact the neighbours and beyond, I always insisted on hearing your concerns before I ever made a decision.
• I have long supported housing initiatives, such as secondary dwellings and suites, which are now legal on Hornby Island.
• I have worked with the Regional District on an ongoing unsightly premise and succeeded in having the place cleaned up before a court order; and not drag on for years.
• I voted against installing a radio telecommunications tower in a residential neighbourhood that would have been taller and more populated without the community’s consent.
• I continue to be committed to protecting one of our most valuable assets, our groundwater, and supported a soon-to-be collaborative study on Hornby’s present and future water challenges.
• Sustainable economic enhancement is my mantra and I will continue to support new businesses that give back to the community, not take from.
• After listening to many concerned residents, I lobbied for animal (dog) control and now the Regional District will be following up with a feasibility study.
• I have worked with K’ómoks First Nation on building a mutually beneficial relationship and today we can proudly see the results through the carving and installation of a totem pole at Helliwell Park and further future collaborations.
• Approached by many concerned parents, I contacted MLA Scott Fraser regarding the rebuilding of our school and his assistant came to our island to hear your concerns. I also encouraged her to go back to our MLA and look at the rebuild as an opportunity for our school to be a pilot project in green energy not in portables.
I have always been open-minded and have always been there to listen. I see my role as an Island Trustee is to unite and reach consensus, not to divide or create animosity.
I care deeply about our community, our sustainability, and our future well-being. And, I’m actually a genuinely kind and modest person, which are rare qualities in a politician.